Tributes to Emily

Emily's Shoes
Emily's Shoes

Keeping with the tradition of graduating seniors throwing their shoes to hang on the wires on Arch Street in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Emily’s housemate friends threw her decorated shoes on the wire in front of her planned house for her senior year.

"The Rock" in Ann Arbor
The Rock in Ann Arbor

For generations, “the rock” on the University of Michigan’s campus in Ann Arbor at Hill and Washtenaw has been the canvas for many to express their views, showcase their pride, and in this case, show their love.  The rock has never looked as lovely as it does in May 2021 when Emily’s friends painted it with her signature lavender color with her name and newly earned wings and halo.

In June 2020, friends of Emily tied purple ribbons on campus near Ross and Emily's house.
Emily's friend (beginning way back in grade school) created this beautiful and heartwarming artwork after watching many family and friends of Emily post pictures on social media of beautiful sunrises and sunsets and attributing some influence to Emily. This depiction shows Emily playing that role.

The First Thanoversary - June 19, 2021

June 2021 | Over the past year, family, friends, and friends of friends have honored and celebrated Emily’s life in various ways. Whether it’s wearing a ‘EVS’ purple bracelet, a purple t-shirt with Emily dancing on the back of it,  sponsoring Emily’s Picnic on Arch Street raising money for her scholarship through a bake sale and yellow picnic tee shirts, or thoughtful prayers, our girl is so, so loved. 

These are just a few ways that Emily has been spiritually here.

E.V. S. Cherish Every Moment

Friends of Emily created purple bracements honoring Emily's life
and special gift to cherish other people with simple little gestures
of kindness in life's seemingly insignificant moments.

June 19, 2021

Emily is forever in our hearts

Emily's Shoes

On June 19, 2021 which marked the thanoversary of Emily’s tragedy, friends and family gathered to write messages on the sky lanterns, ignited them, and released the lanterns to Emily in heaven.

Emily's best friend in high school shared this photo taken of her as she felt closer to Emily wearing the lavender shirt while watching a sunset on a Florida beach.

Excerpts from letters and comments from those who knew Emily . . .

There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone the light remains. . . 

She was a shining light in a sometimes dark world with the most infectious smile and laugh.

Honoring Emily means keeping a bright smile on your face, being kind to everyone, and living with a forgiving, compassionate heart.  I hope to honor Emily everyday for the rest of my life.

She cared about the small moments and small things.  Her kindness extended to anyone and everyone.  Emily was truly an angel living on earth.

I could always count on Emily to be someone to provide a shoulder to lean on, and a person who saw so much good in the world.  The love she had for life was contagious, you couldn’t help but feed off of her positivity.

There are very few people in this world that exude the same level of kindness, authenticity, maturity, and grace that Emily did.  She was beautiful in every sense of the word and someone that I admired greatly.

I don’t have sisters, but Emily truly embodied what I would want in a sister — extreme kindness, sincerity, beauty, and never-ending positivity.

I have never met someone so sure of who she was and confident in the type of person she was going to be.  Your confidence and generosity towards others constantly inspired me.

That is one of the many things Emily is amazing at — making people feel happy, comfortable, and listened to.

There are no words in the world to accurately describe how amazing and impactful Emily was in each and every one of our lives.  Aside from being beautiful, kind, brilliant, and hilarious, she was also one of the most compassionate and easy-going people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  Emily was someone who never failed to make those around her laugh with her contagious smile and infectious energy.

When I think of Emily I think of true self assurance.  Emily held her people close, loved the things she loved, and refused to be anything but her amazing self.  Her silly stories and intelligent outlook on life was always grounding and centered me back to a reality that was cool, calm, and content.

Any time I was in Emily’s presence, she put others before herself.  She just naturally took on such a supportive and joyful role in every way possible. I am honored to have been in Emily’s presence and she will forever serve as a reminder for me and all of us that there is so much beauty, love, and happiness in life — we just have to embrace it like her.

In Memoriam